Changhong Ruba TV Service Menu Codes [Latest 2024]

Changhong Ruba TVs are known for their impressive features and high-quality displays. But did you know that you can unlock even more potential by accessing the service menu? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the latest 2023 Changhong Ruba TV service menu codes, allowing you to take control of your TV’s settings and get the best viewing experience possible.

Accessing the Service Menu

Method 1: Source + 3 + 1 + 3 + 8

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Source} + {3} + {1} + {3} + {8}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 2: Source + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Source} + {1} + {1} + {2} + {5}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 3: Source + 3 + 1 + 3 + 0

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Source} + {3} + {1} + {3} + {0}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 4: Menu + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Menu} + {1} + {1} + {2} + {5}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 5: Menu + 1 + 1 + 4 + 7

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Menu} + {1} + {1} + {4} + {7}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 6: Menu + 2 + 5 + 8 + 0

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Menu} + {2} + {5} + {8} + {0}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Method 7: Menu + 0 + 8 + 1 + 6

  • Ensure your TV is turned on.
  • Press {Menu} + {0} + {8} + {1} + {6}.
  • You are now in the service menu of the TV.

Safety and Cautionary Notes

Warnings about Changing Service Menu Settings

  • Understand the risks involved in altering service menu settings.
  • Proceed with caution and document your changes.

Potential Risks and Consequences

  • Learn about the potential issues that can arise from incorrect settings.
  • Be prepared to troubleshoot and restore default configurations.

Backup and Restore Procedures

  • Always backup your TV’s settings before making changes.
  • Know how to restore your TV to its original state if needed.

Troubleshooting Issues

While accessing Changhong Ruba TV’s service menu can offer you a host of benefits and customization options, it’s essential to be prepared for potential challenges that may arise. Here are some common issues you might encounter and how to address them:

1. Service Menu Access Failure

Issue: You’re unable to access the service menu using the provided methods.


  • Double-check that your TV is turned on before attempting to access the service menu.
  • Ensure you’re following the correct button sequence for your specific Changhong Ruba TV model.
  • If one method fails, try an alternative method listed in this guide.
  • If problems persist, consult the user manual or contact Changhong Ruba’s customer support for assistance.

2. Incorrect Settings Changes

Issue: You accidentally made incorrect changes to the service menu settings, resulting in undesirable TV performance.


  • If possible, recall the changes you made and revert them to their previous settings.
  • If you can’t remember the changes, you may need to perform a factory reset, which is typically accessible through the service menu itself.
  • Refer to the “Backup and Restore Procedures” section in this guide for guidance on restoring your TV to its default settings.

3. TV Performance Issues

Issue: After making changes in the service menu, you notice performance issues such as screen flickering, distorted audio, or freezing.


  • Carefully review the changes you made in the service menu and identify the ones that may be causing the problem.
  • Undo those specific changes to see if it resolves the issue.
  • If the problem persists, consult the “Frequently Asked Questions” section or reach out to Changhong Ruba’s technical support for assistance.

4. Error Codes and Messages

Issue: You encounter error codes or error messages while navigating the service menu.


  • Take note of the error code or message displayed. It may provide clues about the issue.
  • Refer to the “Error Code Interpretation” section for insights into common error codes and their meanings.
  • If the error is unclear or persists, contact Changhong Ruba’s technical support and provide them with the error details for guidance.

5. Backup and Restore Troubles

Issue: You face difficulties in backing up or restoring your TV’s settings through the service menu.


  • Ensure you’re following the backup and restore procedures accurately as outlined in the “Backup and Restore Procedures” section of this guide.
  • If you encounter any errors during the process, carefully review the steps and try again.
  • If problems persist, seek assistance from Changhong Ruba’s technical support.

Remember that while the service menu can be a powerful tool for customization, it should be used with caution. Incorrect changes can lead to issues with your TV’s performance. If you encounter any difficulties or have concerns about making changes, don’t hesitate to reach out to Changhong Ruba’s technical support for expert guidance. Troubleshooting issues is a common part of the process, and with patience and the right information, you can ensure a smooth TV experience.


In this user-friendly guide, you’ve discovered how to access Changhong Ruba TV’s service menu using simple methods. Whether you want to enhance your TV’s display, fine-tune audio, or explore advanced options, these latest 2023 service menu codes give you the power to take control of your entertainment experience. Just remember to exercise caution, back up your settings, and enjoy the improved features of your Changhong Ruba TV. Happy viewing!

Remember, it’s essential to handle these settings with care to avoid potential issues and ensure a seamless viewing experience. If you have any concerns or need further assistance, refer to the FAQs or reach out to Changhong Ruba’s technical support team. Enjoy your TV to the fullest with these service menu codes!

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