Matsui TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions [Latest 2024]

Are you the proud owner of a Matsui TV? If so, you may not be aware that your TV comes equipped with a Service Menu, a hidden treasure trove of options that allow you to fine-tune your viewing and audio experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the latest 2023 Service Menu Codes & Instructions, ensuring you get the most out of your Matsui TV without any hassle.

Accessing the Service Menu

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s first understand how to access the Service Menu. Matsui TVs offer several methods to do so:

Method 1: Using the Remote and TV Buttons

  1. Ensure the TV is in standby mode.
  2. Press and hold the {i} button on your remote control while simultaneously pressing the {POWER} button on the TV itself.
  3. Your TV will power on, and the Service Menu will magically appear.
  4. Use the {UP} and {DOWN} buttons to navigate through menus and options.
  5. Employ the {LEFT} and {RIGHT} buttons to make the desired settings adjustments.
  6. To exit the Service Menu, simply turn off the TV.

Method 2: The TV Button Combo

  1. Turn off your TV.
  2. Press and hold the {MENU} button on the TV while simultaneously pressing the {POWER} button on the TV.
  3. Wait for the power light to illuminate, then press the {POWER} button on your remote control.
  4. Voila! The Service Menu appears on your screen.
  5. Utilize the {P+} and {P-} buttons on the remote to select various options.
  6. Adjust settings using the {VOL+} and {VOL-} buttons.
  7. To exit, simply power off the TV.

Method 3: The Volume Trick

  1. Turn the TV volume down to zero.
  2. Press and hold the {VOL -} button on the TV while also pressing the {9} button on your remote control for a few seconds.
  3. The Service Menu will appear, revealing its hidden wonders.
  4. Navigate through items with the {CH+} and {CH-} buttons.
  5. Adjust values using the {VOL+} and {VOL-} buttons.
  6. Exit the menu by pressing the {8} button.

Common Service Menu Codes & Functions

Now that you’ve successfully accessed the Service Menu, let’s explore some common codes and functions you might encounter:

1. Picture Settings: Tweak your TV’s brightness, contrast, and color settings for the perfect visual experience.

2. Audio Settings: Fine-tune your audio with options like equalizer settings, balance, and volume control.

3. Factory Reset: When things go awry, use this function to reset your TV to its factory defaults.

Using Service Menu Codes & Instructions

Making adjustments in the Service Menu can greatly enhance your TV experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Adjusting Picture Settings

  • Navigate to the “Picture” menu.
  • Use the {LEFT} and {RIGHT} buttons to make adjustments.
  • Save changes by turning off the TV.

2. Fine-Tuning Audio Settings

  • Access the “Audio” menu.
  • Utilize the {LEFT} and {RIGHT} buttons to adjust settings.
  • Confirm changes by powering off the TV.

3. Performing a Factory Reset

  • Find the “Factory Reset” option.
  • Follow the prompts to initiate the reset.
  • Your TV will return to its default settings.

Advanced Service Menu Options

For those looking to explore further:

1. Accessing Hidden Features: Uncover additional settings and features hidden within the Service Menu.

2. Professional Calibration: Calibrate your TV for a high-end viewing experience, perfect for movie enthusiasts and gamers.

3. Firmware Updates: Keep your TV up-to-date by checking for firmware updates and upgrades.

Tips and Best Practices

A few tips to make the most of your Service Menu journey:

  • Always back up your original settings before making changes.
  • Keep a record of adjustments to avoid any confusion.
  • If in doubt, seek professional help to prevent irreversible changes.


Matsui TVs offer a world of customization and optimization through their Service Menu. With the latest 2023 Service Menu Codes & Instructions at your fingertips, you’re now equipped to elevate your TV experience to new heights. Remember to explore responsibly, and enjoy the best of what your Matsui TV has to offer!

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