Philips TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions [Latest 2023]

In this post, you can get all Philips TV Service Menu Codes & Instructions [Latest 2023].

In today’s digital age, televisions have evolved into more than just screens; they are smart devices with a multitude of features. Sometimes, though, you may need to delve deeper into your TV’s settings to fine-tune its performance or troubleshoot issues. That’s where the Philips TV Service Menu comes into play. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about accessing and utilizing this powerful tool.

Safety First: Precautions Before You Begin

Before you venture into the Philips Service Menu, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Handling electronic equipment requires caution, and unauthorized modifications can lead to irreparable damage. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Gather the Essentials: Ensure you have the necessary tools and materials, including an original remote control.
  2. Stable Power Source: Connect your TV to a stable power source to prevent interruptions during the process.
  3. Backup Your Data: Before making any changes, back up important data and settings to avoid data loss.

Accessing the Service Menu

Method 1: Using the Remote Control

For many Philips TV models, you can access the Service Menu using a specific key combination. Follow these steps:

  • Press the following buttons on your remote: {0}, {6}, {2}, {5}, {9}, {6}, and {MENU/HOME}.

Method 2: Using the Service Remote Control

In some cases, a service remote control is required. Here’s how to access the Service Menu with it:

  • Press the following buttons on the service remote control: {0}, {6}, {2}, {5}, {9}, {6}, and {INFO}.

Method 3: CSM Menu

If you need to enter the Customer Service Mode (CSM) menu, try this combination:

  • Press the following buttons on your remote: {1}, {2}, {3}, {6}, {5}, and {4}.

Method 4

For another method, follow these steps:

  • Press {0}, {6}, {2}, {5}, {9}, {6}, and {OSD/STATUS/INFO} on your remote.

Method 5

Here’s how to access the Service Menu with a slightly different button combination:

  • Press {0}, {6}, {2}, {5}, {9}, {7}, and {MENU/HOME} on your remote.

Method 6

For yet another approach:

  • Press {0}, {6}, {1}, {5}, {9}, {6}, and {MENU/HOME} on your remote.

Method 7

And finally, for another method, use this combination:

  • Press {0}, {6}, {1}, {5}, {9}, {7}, and {MENU/HOME} on your remote.

Navigating the Service Menu

Once you’ve successfully accessed the Service Menu, it’s important to understand its structure and options. The menu is divided into various sections, including:

  • Picture Adjustments: Fine-tune settings like brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, and motion for the perfect visual experience.
  • Sound Settings: Adjust volume, equalization, balance, and explore surround sound options for immersive audio.
  • Network and Connectivity: Configure Wi-Fi settings and perform software updates to keep your TV up to date.
  • Factory Reset Options: Explore options for resetting your TV to its factory defaults, but use caution as this will erase all customizations.
  • Other Advanced Settings: Discover additional options to optimize your TV’s performance.

Making Adjustments

In the Service Menu, you have the power to make various adjustments:

  • Picture Settings: Enhance your viewing experience by adjusting brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, and motion settings to your preference.
  • Audio Settings: Fine-tune volume, equalization, and balance, and explore surround sound options for crystal-clear sound.
  • Network and Connectivity: Configure Wi-Fi settings and keep your TV updated with the latest software.
  • Factory Reset Options: Understand the implications of factory resets and use them wisely when troubleshooting.
  • Advanced Tweaks: For experienced users, there may be hidden features and customization options to explore.


Even with the Service Menu at your disposal, issues can arise. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Screen Issues: If you encounter screen problems like flickering or color distortion, adjust the relevant picture settings.
  • Sound Problems: For audio-related issues, explore audio settings and ensure cables are properly connected.
  • Connectivity Problems: If your TV isn’t connecting to Wi-Fi or other devices, navigate to network settings and check for software updates.
  • Factory Reset: Use factory resets as a last resort, as they erase all customizations.
  • Professional Help: When in doubt, seek assistance from a professional technician to avoid making irreversible changes.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

For those who want to take their TV customization to the next level, here are some advanced tips:

  • Hidden Features: Explore hidden features within the Service Menu for additional functionality.
  • Optimal Settings: Adjust settings for optimal performance, brightness, contrast, and color accuracy.
  • Customization: Customize your TV to match your preferences, from picture quality to audio output.


In summary, the Philips TV Service Menu is a powerful tool that allows you to fine-tune your TV’s performance and troubleshoot issues. However, it should be used with caution to avoid irreversible damage. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we encourage responsible usage. If in doubt, consult a professional technician for assistance.

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